A gruesome gang of rubber mini monster balls |
A couple of lookers |
Strangely Eastery pastel monster ball pencil toppers |
Neon hard rubber monster balls |
These look to be 'Bad Bad Balls.' Got 'em from a vending machine in the '90s |
Crappy, eraser-like monster balls from a vending machine in the late-'80s |
Awkward (monster ball) family photo |
Hollow, hard plastic monster balls just hangin' out bein' gross |
Mad-bowl |
What: After the
Madballs craze hit in the '80s, a bunch of random bootlegs and knockoffs began showing up in a variety of different sizes and materials, including superball-sized rubber monster balls, eraser-like pencil topper versions, keychains, slightly larger hard plastic types, and many more. Being the lover of monsters and weirdness in general that I've always been, I scooped any and all of these up whenever I had the chance as a kid (well, I still do...). I'm not an expert on what most of these are actually called (I'm assuming many, if not all, are simply nameless knockoffs), but for the ultimate source of monster ball information and Madball madness be sure to check out the awesome site
When: 1980s-1990s
Where: Different varieties of these guys were offered at many different places, including toy vending machines, toy/department stores, and as carnival/arcade prizes.
Who: N/A
Hey man! thanks for the link on this! I'm missing a few of those and would be interested in trading if you are....
ReplyDeleteHey Michael, no problem. A lot of these I'd want to hang onto but I might be willing to trade certain ones...feel free to email me. littleweirdosblog@gmail.com